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The Dragon and the Rose Page 23
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Page 23
“Exactly my point,” she snips. “I’m not interested in boys. I’ve moved onto men.”
I can’t figure out how to trump her argument, so I growl in lieu of words.
“Your sister isn’t going to be thrilled with this.” I glance back at the leather jacket with eyes. “Look, I can’t leave you out here, so you may as well split, dude. Say goodnight to your dog, and get back to Host. Mia, you should probably get inside.”
“Wouldn’t you just love it if I listened to you?” Her eyes narrow in on mine with a vengeance. “I hear you barking out orders at Skyla all night long—suck this, lick that—well, I’m not your wife, so save it, buddy!” She threads her arm in Rev’s and leads both him and his beastly pooch further into the woods.
“You’re going to get lost.” Or killed.
“Fuck off!”
I glance back at the Landon house lit up a happy shade of pumpkin. I knew those walls were paper-thin. I’d haul a mattress up to the butterfly room if I could, but it’s barely big enough for me to stretch my legs out. Between Mia’s comment and Tad’s ridiculous table banter, I’ve had it. Fuck this shit. Skyla and I are moving to my parents.
I spot Skyla talking to Brielle on the porch and head over.
I have a feeling this isn’t going to go over well.
It doesn’t.
“What do you mean we have to pack up and move out tonight?” Skyla has a hard edge to her, ten times harder than at dinner, and I can’t figure out what has her so ticked. I open the window and let Holden out, stopping Emerson from escaping as well. Mia loves this owl—so much so that she’s continued to dye its feathers black at Skyla’s request. That was the only stipulation of her taking the bird.
“Trust me, we just do.”
“Trust you?” It growls from her incredulously.
“Your sister is out there with that lunatic. I tried to get her to come inside, and she told me to fuck off. She said she could hear us through the walls at night.” I look to her, pleading. “We have to get out of here.”
“What lunatic?” Her hand rides up her throat.
“Revelyn. The dude with a chick’s name.”
Skyla sticks her head out the window. “Mia! So help me God, get the hell back in here right this minute. Rev—you had better run for your life because in about thirty seconds you’re going to be missing something you value far more than your dog!”
I watch as Mia gives her the finger while stomping back toward the house. Both Brielle and Drake break out into spontaneous applause.
“Well done. Now, please, help me pack.” I’ve already thrown my stuff in a duffle bag, and I’m hoping she’ll do the same.
Skyla sets her fists over her hips. Her eyes burn with an anger I’ve yet to see from her. She’s gives a riotous growl before getting to the task of throwing things into an overnight bag.
“You win, Oliver.” She jets to the bathroom and comes out with her toothbrush and makeup bag. “I’ll stay at your mother’s, and maybe this time you’ll see that I’m right about her. Do you even care that she’s yet to welcome me to the family?” The veins in her neck bulge when she says it.
“Yes,” I say, but Skyla has already stalked off downstairs. I stuff our laptops into our backpacks and follow suit.
“Where’s the fire?” Her mother looks from Skyla to me horrified at what she sees.
Skyla jumps in her stepfather’s face. “Are you happy now? Your little tirade worked! Gage can’t stand to be cooped up here another minute. We’re going to the Oliver’s.”
“Is that all it took?” Tad pulls his pants up past the waist. I’m shocked they still fit after the sixteen helpings he inhaled. “Well, Lizbeth, it looks like we won’t have to shop at Cost Club after all! Skyla and the human garbage disposal are hitting the streets. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya and all that other fun crap!” He turns to Lizbeth in a bout of enthusiasm. “We can start taking in boarders! I bet we can get five hundred bucks a month for that room. Drake’s, too!”
Skyla leans in and hugs her mother. “Don’t even think of renting out my room.”
“I wouldn’t dare. Call me.”
“I will.”
Skyla and I jump in the truck. It’s a long, quiet drive to the Paragon Estates.
The house is still lit up, and I can see Mom buzzing around the kitchen sink.
“They’re going to love that we’re here. You’ll see.” I give Skyla’s knee a quick pat as we head inside.
No sign of Logan. We greet Liam and my parents in the kitchen. Liam is still grubbing on a plate full of food, and, holy hell, it smells like I’ve died and gone to gourmet paradise.
“Are you hungry?” Mom whisks a plate my way.
“Yes, and I’m sure Skyla is, too.”
“Oh, no thank you.” She eyes the stairs like she’s ready to bolt to the bedroom. “I’m sure it’s delicious, but I’ve sort of lost my appetite. I guess I’ll just turn in.”
“Turn in?” Mom stops cold with a spatula in the air.
“Skyla and I will be staying here for a while.” I press out that grin she’s never been able to resist.
Mom smiles briefly before giving a hesitant look to Skyla. “That’s…that’s really something.”
“You’re more than welcome.” Dad slaps me over the back. “Stay as long as you like. In truth, the house hasn’t been the same without you.”
“Thank you.” Skyla gives a bleak smile before disappearing up the stairs. “Goodnight.”
Something is definitely off. Maybe I acted in haste. Maybe forcing her to move from her mother’s house was too much after the strangled day we’ve had.
“You know, I think I’ll head up too.” I chase up the stairs and find Skyla already tucked in bed.
The moonlight lays a soft, white sheet over the bed, highlighting her hair with frost.
“Hey”—I flick off my shoes and glide in beside her—“I’m sorry about everything.”
Her head turns just enough. “What exactly are you apologizing for?”
“To tell the truth, I’m not sure anymore.”
“Thought so.” She burrows into the mattress.
“Talk to me. How did the sale go?” That’s not what I meant by talk to me, but I’m in no position to initiate a genuine heart to heart. God forbid I confess any of my sins.
“When I got there—what I wanted to see was gone.” She gives a sniff into the pillow.
“It’s okay. Bree told me.” I touch a kiss just below her ear. “If it means anything I like you just fine without that stuff anyway.” My hand rides up her T-shirt. This is the first night since we’ve been married that Skyla has come to bed virtually dressed from head to toe. My finger curves into her sweats, and she twists away from me.
“You know”—she lets out a heavy sigh—“I think you’re right. I might be starting my period, so maybe not tonight.”
I drop a kiss to her head and pull her in until she’s tucked in my hips, my chest warming her back.
Skyla thinks she’s starting her period. Skyla usually has the timing down to a science. Something tells me I’ve just been shown the doghouse.
Maybe I’ll talk to my mother about welcoming her into the family.
Somehow I doubt my mother is the problem.
The next night, Ellis invites us to his house for a small gathering of friends. Skyla and I head across the street as bodies bleed out of every orifice of the Harrison estate. The music is so loud the windows rattle with the bass. I’m not sure how Skyla’s headache is going to fair with this racket. She’s been in bed most of the day with the covers pulled up to her nose, so I brought her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I never did get a chance to speak with my mom about easing up on Skyla. I’m not really looking forward to that conversation.
The clouds overhead give a quick grumble as we make our way inside. The forecast is set for rain for the entire next week. Nothing newsworthy, that’s for sure.
Inside it’s dark, save for so
me flickering lights that move in rhythm to the music coming from the living room. Ellis’s parents renovated the place last year, and it looks every bit the cold, mausoleum it’s always wanted to be. The glossy marble floor expands in all directions. They revamped the theater room. The backyard was re-landscaped to resemble a tropical getaway. It’s something my parents have talked about doing for years, but, in truth, the only reason they were able to afford a home in Paragon Estates is because they bought the fixer-upper on the block. It just so happened to be the smallest house in the track as well.
“Oliver.” Ellis slaps me some skin.
“And you”—he pulls Skyla in—“face five.” He plants a kiss on her cheek.
“Is Chloe here?”
I cinch my head back because I’m sure I didn’t hear her correctly.
“Nope.” Ellis gives her shoulders a squeeze. “Just that dude that’s wearing her face.”
“Brody.” She smirks at the thought.
“And that dude that’s wearing your face.” Ellis hikes a brow. “I better go find my girl before he hits on her. Things might get weird.”
“I doubt Wes is interested in Giselle. He’s got his sights set on that one.” I nod to Laken and Coop.
Skyla spins into me. “Is that Mia lurking over there by that big plant?”
I look over to find some girl in a miniskirt. A lit cigarette hangs from her fingers. She’s too tall and lanky to be Mia, but I get the feeling Skyla might be trying to get rid of me, so I play along.
“I’ll check it out.” I head over, and, sure enough, it’s not Skyla’s twin who told me to eff off last night. If Skyla keeps up this cold shoulder much longer it’ll be her telling me to eff off, and not in the way I’d like to—with her. I’m still not over the fact she shut me down. First time since we’ve been together. I won’t lie, it’s a fresh hell I don’t care to experience again anytime soon.
I take a step behind the overgrown Ficus and watch as Skyla and Laken embrace. Skyla’s back trembles as if she’s sobbing, and Coop steps in and rubs her arm in a consoling manner. What the hell?
“Like what you see?” Wes pops up like an apparition.
“Not any more. My wife is upset, and I don’t know why.”
“Sorry.” He groans a little taking in the sight. “I’d offer up some brotherly advice but I’m not exactly an expert on relationships. In fact, I suck at them.”
Chloe has made no secret about the fact she and Wes are trying to have a baby.
“So why are you having a kid if you suck at relationships?”
“I’ll be a good father.” His lids grow heavy as he watches Laken from afar. The three of them head into the next room and disappear into the party. “So you ready for what’s to come?”
“I don’t know. I think you need a trial run with this thing. If those markers come back, we’re all screwed.”
“So far the Celestra carcass seems to be doing the trick.”
The thought of him referencing Logan’s body as a carcass makes me want to vomit.
“He’s still okay, right?”
“He’s still dead if that’s what you mean.”
I don’t hesitate in shoving Wes up against the wall. “I meant his body. The deal was it stays in one piece.”
Wes waves in surrender. “Get a grip. I told you we just need a few scrapings. By New Year’s we should be good to go.”
“Sounds like a plan.” I give a nervous glance around. “I’d better get going.”
“Me, too. I’m not really in the mood to watch Coop lay his mitts all over Laken. You have no clue how good you’ve got it—married to the woman you love. Have you talked to her about siding with you?”
“She wants nothing to do with the Barricade. Besides, once you hand over her people like sheep to the slaughter, she’ll be that much less enthused.”
“I suppose that means you’ll eventually lose her.”
“Nobody takes Skyla away from me.” The reality is, I might just be the one slowly pushing her out of my life. My teeth grind at the absurdity. Everything I do is for Skyla. I live and breathe and apparently grave-rob for the woman I love. There isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for Skyla no matter how farfetched, no matter how demented or wicked. Hell, I’d rearrange the stars for her.
I take off into the hustle and bustle of bodies to find her. It’s getting smoky inside. It’s too dim lit to make out anything other than limbs. I head to the backyard and do a quick sweep of the girls sitting with their feet dangling in the pool.
“Gage!” Kresely tries to wave me over, but I simply nod before ducking back into the house.
Before I know it, she’s hanging off my shoulder about as wanted as bird crap.
“Your mom and I hit all the big sales this morning.” Kresley’s face looks sickly pale, framed with all that dark hair. “She really is a great person for taking me under her wing. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate her kindness.”
She’s taking the wrong girl under her wing. Why couldn’t she go shopping with Skyla? Where’s the kindness she has for my wife?
“That’s nice. I’m sort of looking for someone. You should probably get back to your friends.”
“Those Paragon Princesses? I thought Ephemeral was bad.” Her cool fingers glide down my neck, but I keep up my stride and try to bump her off with the shrug of my shoulder.
Skyla must be really steaming over something. Coop and Laken looked as if they were comforting her. For all I know she could be in the back of the house losing it over God knows what.
“So Algebra Two sucks.” Kresley manages to keep up with my manic pace. “I was thinking since you’re really good with numbers, maybe you can tutor me sometime? Your mom actually came up with the idea. She said she’d pay you for your time. She says you’re the best.”
I stop cold, and she nearly goes flying. Numbers have nothing to do with Kresley’s incessant need to grind up against me.
“Look, I’m not Wes. I don’t even think you can make him jealous by hanging around me. In fact, he just took off.” I hold up my left hand and twirl my non-existent wedding band with my thumb. The ring is still on the to-do list. “I’m married. Happily so.” Or at least that’s true on my side of the matrimony. Where is Skyla anyway? “Look I just want to find someplace to be alone.” I head down the cool, elongated hall as the music begins to dissipate. As soon as I find her, I’m going to beg her to come home with me. I want nothing more than to dive into her mouth—into those heated kisses she’s been known to sear my soul with. I miss her. Something has been off for the last few days, and it’s killing me slowly.
I open the first door on the right and peer inside, nothing but a dark office. I open the next three doors with Kresely trailing dutifully behind. We find two couples going at it in one of the rooms while a few dudes watch from the sidelines.
“How’s that for entertainment?” Kresley giggles. She’s about as entertaining as a gnat herself. But I can’t seem to shake her.
I open the room on the far end and stick my head inside. Just another couple fucking like there’s no tomorrow. Her head is bent back with pleasure, and he’s taking her right there against the wall.
“Sorry,” I whisper as I shut the door. “It was just Giselle and—”
Everything in me freezes.
I burst through the door, and Harrison runs to the opposite end of the room shrieking like a girl with hands and dick in the air.
I pick a chair up from the desk and smash it to the floor. “You fucking piece of worm shit!”
“Stop!” Giselle tries to run out the door and bumps into Skyla.
“What’s going on?” she demands, but I’m too pissed to fill her in.
Kresley touches her hand to her neck. “Gage and I were just looking for somewhere to be alone when we caught these two going at it like wild dogs.”
“What did you say?” Skyla’s eyes reduce to slits as she takes a step into the room.
“I was looking for you, Skyla.” I snatch
Ellis up by the shirt as he’s about to dart around me and pull him in until he’s uncomfortably close. He’s already stuffed himself back in his jeans, but I can smell the guilt on him, and it makes me want to vomit. “I warned you,” I growl over his face. “And now you’re going to pay for touching my sister.”
“I’m sorry, man. I swear I wasn’t pressuring her. She came to me.”
“It’s true!” Giselle beats me over the back with her fists, but I’m slow to drop Ellis. “Skyla told me she’d support me one hundred percent if this is what I needed to do.”
I turn to find Skyla’s mouth contorting.
“She said her body was crying out for attention!” Skyla drops her head in her hands. “I’m sorry. This is a huge miscommunication.”
“You bet it is.” I toss Ellis back so hard he flies into the window, and the glass explodes in a spider web around him.
“Gage!” Skyla pulls me in by the shirt. “I would have talked to Ellis if I wasn’t so damn distracted with you! And what the hell were you doing trying to find a room with your mother’s precious little pet? It’s like I don’t even know you anymore!” She shoves me back so hard I spill right next to Ellis.
The room clears out, and soon it’s just Harrison and me lying in a pool of glass.
Ellis gets up on his elbows, his shirt on backwards, his zipper still down.
“I’m sorry, Dude.”
“Not half as sorry as I am.”
The rain starts in, quick and angry, pelting Dudley’s oversized manor like a thousand pebbles dumped from the sky. I can’t get out of this funk I’m in, imagining Skyla with that thing that my nephew has morphed into. That thing. I shake my head. Dammit he’s still, Gage. Try as I might, I can’t find it in me to loathe the guy. He’s still like my brother. I’m not too crazy about him at the moment, however.
“So I’ve been trying to explain to him that it’s all been a big misunderstanding,” Michelle drones on like she has been for the last sixty painful minutes. “Would you mind talking to him? I mean, I know he’s not home. He’s out with that little bitch, but as soon as he gets back. I’d really appreciate it.”