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Country Kisses (3:AM Kisses #8) Page 9
Country Kisses (3:AM Kisses #8) Read online
Page 9
Piper pulls me to the side as the girls climb in. She looks ticked, and, if I were to guess, a little bit affronted. “Promise me you won’t get hurt.”
“Oh, hon”—I pull her into a tight embrace—“of course, I’m not going to get hurt. Outside of it being purely sexual, it’s one hundred percent platonic.” I force out a hearty laugh, and my throat rubs raw as if punishing me for the lie. I’m not sure why it feels like a lie, just does at the moment.
“Cassidy—” She shakes her head as the moon casts its light over the back of her head, causing her face to get lost in its own shadow. There he is again, haunting me through his sister’s features. It’s eerie, but, in a strange way, I find it comforting. “You may not think I know much about the heart and how it works, but I’m pretty sure if you’re sleeping with this guy—a lot by the way—you have some feelings for him. The fact you can’t admit it is just a technicality. The quicker you rip that bandage off the better. The sooner you acknowledge your feelings, the sooner you can get this relationship off to a real start.”
“And what if he doesn’t feel the same?” Not once in my entire life has someone else felt the same. I don’t know why in the heck Cade James would be any different. In fact, this entire conversation feels wrong. If it’s one thing I don’t do, it’s take a walk on the vulnerable side. I’m not Caila. I don’t get to point the finger and say you will love me. It would never work.
“If he does, then it’s perfect, right?” Piper glares at me as if it’s anything but. “And if he doesn’t say he feels the same, you’d better do two things.”
“What’s that?” My voice shakes as I say it.
Piper steadies those determined eyes over mine with a pent-up fury. “You dump his ass asap, then give me his address.”
Scarlett gives a little honk. “Speaking of asses, get yours in the car! We’re freezing!”
I glance back to Piper and frown. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
And that, my friend, is what my momma calls a bald-faced lie.
It takes less than an hour for me to shower and change into something a lot less comfortable—a tight red dress that goes down to there and up to here, and a pair of five-inch ruby red stilettos that would make my sister wince with both pain and pride.
My little trusty, dusty Honda sputters all the way over to Cade’s clapboard love shack, and this time, I park boldly across the street. The other night, I nearly froze my tits off trotting back to the car in the early a.m. hours. If I ever get brave enough, I’ll simply pull right into the driveway.
My heels click-clack all the way over as I hum a little ditty. I’ve never been so excited to see anyone in my life. All I can think of is getting inside and getting myself some naughty nibbles of those hot buns he’s gifting me for free.
“Knock, knock!” I sing as I rap my knuckles over the door.
It swings open, and Cade grins back with a single rose held to his lips.
“For you, my love.” He holds it out like an offering as his spicy cologne mingles with the sweet floral scent.
My stomach lurches when he calls me that. Not one hour ago, I was professing to all my besties that we had never once uttered that silly little L word, and here he was using it as a term of endearment.
“Oh my…” I’m dumbfounded is what I am. “I love it!” Crap! I touch my fingers to my lips a moment as he helps me inside. There we go again. My hand curves over his, natural as breathing, and I can’t help but think the air is just a bit sweeter in here. “It’s beautiful.”
“Cassidy Clayton.” His eyes ride heated and heavy over my body as he takes me in. “You are the only thing of beauty in this entire room.”
“Oh, hon, you don’t need to go there—this is a sure thing. You’re already getting laid.” Before I can properly give this rose a run for its sweet smelling money by way of out blushing it, I gasp at the sight behind him. An overgrown vase, the size of Texas, holds a million of these red flowery confections. A giant heart-shaped Mylar balloon floats above the sea of flowers with the words, You Belong to Me. And something in my chest seizes with delight. A very real part of me wishes I belonged to this sweet boy right here.
“Who’s the lucky girl?” I’d better play it coy in the event I’m in for a rude awakening. “Or are you planning on running around campus and passing those out to all the sexy little kittens just dying to land you horizontally?” My fingers walk up his chest until I latch my hand over his shoulder. It’s true. I’ve seen the lust-filled looks the girls in class offer him, and I’d be a big, fat liar if I didn’t admit that it made my stomach twist with jealousy—odd since I’m the one actually doing the dirty deed with him.
Cade’s entire face frowns with disapproval, and I nearly knock him over and run out the door. That was the same look Piper gave me less than an hour ago—carbon copy.
“They’re all for you.” That devilish grins reappears as he brings my hand to his lips and lands a gentle kiss to the back. “Every last one.”
Cade James is a man’s man. Not only is he tall, dark, and handsome, but he’s wise, kind, and sexy as hell. He really is the whole package.
“I love them,” I gush and don’t care if I’ve used the L word twice now. “I’m like seriously in love with them.” A horrible thought comes to mind—I can’t take them! This totally goes against anything platonic I’ve touted to my friends. “I’ll make a point to visit them every single day.” I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in. “Is that okay with you?”
His brows furrow again, making my stomach pinch with the heat of ten thousand sunsets. I’ve never met a comelier man in all my life.
“That’s perfect with me. In fact, if they keep you coming back—” He buries a kiss just under my right earlobe. I don’t know if Cade has caught onto the fact I’ve all but disowned the left side of my face. I’m damn sure he’s seen it for what it is by now. He’s all but given up on sending sugar to that side of my facial landscape, and for that I’m forever grateful. “I’m going to keep them coming.”
A dirty gurgle of a laugh gets buried in my throat just as he lands a heated wet kiss to the divot in my neck. “Are you going to keep me coming?”
“Oh, sweetie”—now it’s his turn to growl out a laugh—“I plan on it.” His kisses become more ravenous as he massages me with that velvet soft tongue all the way to my shoulder. He pulls back and looks at me with drugged, glossy eyes that scream I’m-going-to-bed-you-down-and-dirty more than they do anything that has to do with the L word, and that’s fine by me. “You feeling this tonight?” He wraps his finger around a curl just off my neck. Cade has made it a point to make sure we’re on the same page just about every time we’re together. I’d like to think he’s a gentleman that way and not reading off some script gifted to him by the anti-assault squad on campus. Either way, it works for me.
“I’m feeling it.” I pull his hips hard to mine before diving my hands down into the back of his boxers and giving that rock-hard ass of his a firm squeeze. “In fact, you better watch out, Hot Buns, because I am feeling a little bit hungry tonight.”
A dark laugh strums from his chest. “Eat all you want, sweetheart.” His eyes remain hooded and drugged. “I’m open all fucking night.” Cade kisses me through a smile. “How did I get so lucky?”
“You’re not lucky—you’re just with me.” I go to lead him into the bedroom, and he gently reels me back, landing me in his hard as rock arms.
The smile evaporates from his lips as his eyes wander over my face, and I hold my breath and let him. There, see me. I dare him with my heated gaze to say what he’s thinking.
“You are beautiful,” he utters the words without the trace of a smile on his face. “Yes, you,” he says it with a harsh kick as if to emphasize his point. “And I am the luckiest man on this planet to get to love your body the way I want—the way I need to.” He gives my waist a squeeze, and his lips curve up just for me. “I want you, Cassidy. You’re sweet, funny, kind—and have I mention
ed generous in bed?” That wicked grin of his bounces back to his lips. “I need you to know those things, but more importantly, I need you to believe them.”
“Do you believe them?” It comes out genuine, not an ounce of smartass anywhere in sight.
“Hell yes, I believe them.” His head ticks back a notch as if to emphasize his point. “I wouldn’t have said them if they weren’t true.”
Cade drills those navy eyes of his into mine, and I can’t seem to look away, don’t want to. He cups my cheeks and I flinch, but he holds me gently like that as he pulls me in closer, ever so closer until his lips land soft over mine. He dots a kiss to my nose and then carefully presses his blessed by God lips to my left cheek.
Tears come, and I close my eyes. I’m sure my trembling lids say just about everything I’m feeling.
Dear God, he’s there. He’s acknowledging my injury, the rawest part of who I am in the most incredible way.
Cade pulls me in and kisses me with everything in him, a wild, delicious, probing kiss that glorifies the art of making love more than anything I’ve ever experienced before. He presses his hand to the small of my back and joins our bodies at the hips, hard and urgent.
My fingers fumble for the button on his jeans, and he digs a condom out before shaking it out.
“Always prepared?”
“It’s the Boy Scout motto.” His dimples go off as we dance our way out of our clothes, stripping ourselves clean right here in the living room. His flesh sears over mine, and we groan as our bodies seal together. It’s such a damn good feeling. I swear, it’s half the fun, half the beauty of being with him.
Cade rolls the condom on, and I watch with curious intent because obviously it’s a lights-on kind of a night. Cade James is long and strong in all the right places. As suspected, he’s indeed hung like a stallion with two round full bales of glorious hay sitting proud at attention just beneath that. It’s amazing what a little light will do if you shed it just so on the right situation. It’s about time I’ve seen what he’s been impaling me with, and I must admit I am damn impressed.
“Come here, baby.” Cade digs his fingers into my thighs as I jump up on his hips. “Shit.” His manic panting takes over as he takes a naughty nibble of his own all over my chest. “You don’t know the things you do to me.”
“I have a slight idea,” I say, positioning myself over him as his body struggles to get in mine.
“Fuck.” He tips his head back and grunts as I press down further over him, ending with a nice little bounce as I take it home.
“Is that word all you got, city boy? I thought you came with an expletive-riddled tirade. I guess you’re too nice for that after all,” I pant the words out as I take a healthy bite from his bottom lip. Cade James’s lips are soft as down pillows. I’ll never be able to kiss another man properly after this.
His chest rumbles over mine. “Sweetheart, if you think I’m nice, we’ve been doing this wrong.”
Cade takes me right there in front of the blank eye of the television, front and center of those dozens of roses he never should have bought me. For a brief second, I watch as our reflection bounces happily away in that Mylar balloon with its rather possessive statement.
And all the while the only thing running through my mind is you belong to me.
Long into the night and into the wee hours of the morning, Cade takes me with a ferocity all over that itty bitty house of his. He bends me over the kitchen table, lays me over it, spreads me wide, takes me on the counter, the sofa, against the wall, down the hall, until finally we flop with exhaustion over his nice, cushy bed.
Thankfully, it’s dark in here because for the first time ever he’s landed on my left side. The kiss to my cheek was a nice gesture, but at this point, I consider it his kind way of addressing the scarred elephant in the room. Despite his naughty disposition around me, he really is an all-around nice guy. Piper is going to have my grass-fed ass when she finds out I’ve been using her big brother like a glorified pogo stick.
“Penny for your thoughts.” Cade pulls a warm, fuzzy blanket over the two of us and curls his body around mine as he adheres to every nook and cranny. Just feeling his hot flesh conforming to mine feels far more intimate than the naughty things we spent the last few hours dreaming up.
Everything in me freezes. First of all, he’s never covered us, never had to—but still. And cuddling? I’m sort of a cuddling virgin, but I’ll admit it feels mighty nice. Whoever manages to snag Cade’s heart will be one lucky girl. A spear of hatred goes off in my gut for whoever that might be. With my luck, I’ll be dragged to their wedding no thanks to Piper.
“I wouldn’t sell you my thoughts for an entire dollar. There are just some things a girl has to keep a mystery.” Like the fact not only am I his sister’s bestie, I’m her roomie as well. I wonder how Cade would feel about that little nugget? I’m guessing not too impressed—especially in light of the fact I’m willfully withholding said nugget from a few very important people, he being one of them.
He dots a steamy kiss to my ear before taking a gentle bite. His shin glides over mine as he pulls my bottom deeper against his warm body, and my toes curl just having him holding me this sweet, tender way.
“Tell me something about you. I want to start chipping away at the mystery.”
“Tell you what?” I turn just enough to where I can see his face blessed silver by the moon.
“Anything. I’ll take whatever you want to give.”
“Okay, then, I have a Basic Principles of Marketing class twice a week, and the TA makes my panties melt for an hour straight on Thursdays. He also makes me come over to his place and strip down to nothing. He says if I want a passing grade in that class I need to bend over and—”
Cade bursts out in laughter, his chest bucking over my back in a soothing rhythm. “I give. You win.” He gives my ribs a tickle, and now it’s me bucking with laughter. “You keep slinging that bull, and I’ll be gifted my walking papers from the president of the university himself.”
“What bull?” I twist into him with wicked delight. “You known darn well you like me bent and spent and lapping up everything your trio has to offer. You’ve been fucking me senseless since the day we met. Now that, my friend, is gospel.”
“Nice. You kiss your mother with that mouth?” He trails a hot kiss from my lips, to my nose, to my forehead. “Any other half-truths you’d like to spew?”
“Yeah, that TA is awfully nosy. I just wish I could figure out a good way to shut him up.” I land my mouth over his, and he breaks the seal with a warm laugh.
“How about you put him to work?” His hand glides between my thighs and lands over my wetness. I’ve been drooling for Cade from both of my lips all night. I’m not shy at all about letting him know how I feel about him—physically at least. Not that I have real feelings for him like Piper suggested. I mean, he’s a good guy, not hard on the eyes, and has a body built for some serious speed—but feelings, let’s not get too carried away.
“What kind of work do you think he’d like best?”
“Something he can drink down and enjoy. Why don’t I demonstrate?” Cade glides south, pulling the blanket to my neck as he encapsulates himself inside. His hot mouth drags a line from my belly, farther down until he hits pay dirt, taking a gentle bite out of me, and I buck with appreciation.
“Oh, honey, there’s a monster in the tent.” I giggle, caging him in with my legs. “And he’s got big teeth!”
“The better to eat you with.” Cade grips me by the hips and buries his mouth over me, quick and hard, coiling me up on the inside like a bungee cord wound too tight just begging to snap from the pressure. Hot damn, this boy is so good with his mouth. I might have to shut him up more often.
Cade loves me like that until everything in me detonates into a million confetti-shaped hearts. My knees hold him prisoner before I evict him with finality. Cade rides up and pecks a wet kiss over my clamped shut lips. My fingers run through his damp, dark ha
ir, so thick and glossy I crave the touch of it after I’m gone. His heavy gaze falls over mine as he sheds a simple smile, and I melt all over again.
Happiest Valentine—happiest day I’ve ever had in my life. Is this level of erotic bliss sustainable? I think so.
I make sure we have a repeat performance the next night just to be sure.
By the time Monday rolls around, I happily hobble my way to my first class, offering a giddy wave to my fellow Volunteer, Miss Sammy herself. She’s as sour as I am happy, so I decide to sit next to her in an effort to cheer her up.
“How was your weekend?” I make an attempt to tone down my glee as I pull out a pen and a notebook.
“Meh,” she moans as if she were seasick. “I know this is going to sound pathetic, but I was essentially dumped on Friday night.”
“What?” Ten students turn my way. It’s a godsend the professor hasn’t stepped foot in class yet because I don’t think there’s any way to stop this conversation. “Explain. Is that SOB at WB? Tell me who this boy is so I can kick some serious arse.”
She gives a little chuckle. “God, you sound like heaven. I can listen to your voice all day.” She sniffs back tears amidst a smile. “But for the safety of his said arse, I’d better withhold his identity. You know, just to keep his tushy in tact.” She gives a sly wink. “And my dignity.” Her whole affect deflates. “We dated a while back, and I sort of made a grave error. Anyhow, I thought if I somehow showed up on his doorstep, he’d take one look at me and all of the romantic pieces would fall right into place. It didn’t exactly pan out that way.”
“Oh, hon, you’re sweet and obviously smart. Of course, he wants you. He’s most likely still nursing a broken heart. You said you made a mistake, and you know boys—they are all about their egos. You just need to give him some time. Is he still available?”
“As free as the day I inadvertently let him go.” Her voice grows heavy with regret. Sammy truly is sweet and beautiful. This boy has got to be crazy to want to lose her forever.